My debut short story collection.
After sending my maternal grandma early drafts of these horror stories, she texted me something that became my first official blurb as an author: "Please find another hobby. This is too horrible for words. How can you imagine someone enjoying this?"
"The stories in Anoka are scary and funny and gruesome and fantastic but feel true. The short collection is filled with big ideas. The writing is sharp throughout. Pay attention to Cheyenne Arapaho author Shane Hawk, he's going to write great, horrible things."
—Tommy Orange, author of There There and Wandering Stars
"The voice here is quiet, breathy, big-brass-ballsy, befogged, benighted, believable. The stories stick and poke like an infected tattoo you got done in your friend's basement. They look cool and terrible, hurt like hell and are remembered with little shudders and slit-eyed grins. Get this book. Stick it in your pocket, carry it around, and read it when you need a jolt. It'll get you where you need to be."
—Theodore C. Van Alst Jr., author of Sacred Smokes and Sacred City
"While I don't read much horror, the vibrancy of these stories immediately impressed me. The voice in these six stories is urgent, insistent, and unrelenting, and I couldn't put the book down until I'd finished each one."
—David Heska Wanbli Weiden, author of Winter Counts